Carbon Collectibles 
Powered by FlowerMe

Individual and unique NFTs provide you with the opportunity to directly compensate your bouquet by proving your impact on the Polygon blockchain. You can purchase one of the designs directly on OpenSea. Collect your collectibles directly in your Web3-wallet, access our compensation page through the NFT and share your moment on social media:

Help us make your flowers and your purchase climate neutral

Insight into the FlowerMe Carbon Collectibles Collection

When you buy a NFT on OpenSea we compensate the agreed amount of CO₂. The NFT motives vary and are recognizable by their uniqueness. The team behind FlowerMe creates the motives and publishes up to 5,000 unique collectibles in the current collection. Buy your favorite motive immediately on OpenSea, we always offer new NFTs for sale right there which also includes access on our compensation page!

Carbon Collectibles Release #1

Web3 offers the possibility for full transparency and traceability! We have deliberately chosen the Polygon Blockchain and released our first NFT collection called Carbon Collectibles on it.

Technology & Nature

We want to add real transparency and sustainability to the production & origin of flowers worldwide, using Web3 technologies to give flowers an eternal life on the Blockchain.

Later this year, the FlowerMe team will release the BlockFlower Collection! This will give you the opportunity to receive the physical product in addition to the NFT. We’ll deliver the flowers to you anywhere and you’ll get an NFT to accompany it. Sign up for the newsletter to stay up to date with the project. Additionally, we want to use blockchain to redefine supply chains. So, stay tuned, we still have a lot of plans.

Access the FlowerMe Compensation Tool

It will provide you access to our impact dashboard and gives you the opportunity to proof your impact through holding the NFT! You only have to hold an NFT from our collection and it automatically connects your wallet to the dashboard, if you are a NFT holder and have purchased our NFT.